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Students of Ace International Business School participated in Ace-Spectrum 2024

July 17, 2024

Students from the BBA program participated in Ace-Spectrum 2024. The team included Ms. Aditi Shrestha (VIII Sem, Fall 2020), Mr. Anuj Kharge (Year 2 Trim B, Fall 2022), Mr. Anuj Pradhan (VIII Sem, Fall 2020), Ms. Bibisha Kharel (Year 3 Trim B, Fall 2021), and Mr. Prayush Shrestha (Year 3 Trim B, Fall 2021).

Among the team members, Ms. Aditi Shrestha secured 2nd position in the Human Resource Category, and Mr. Anuj Pradhan achieved 1st position in the Marketing Category. Congratulations to the team! We are proud of your accomplishments. Keep the flag flying high.