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Inspiring the future

August 20, 2017

Possible returns from a graduate management degree is severely limited when learning is restricted within four walls of a classroom. At AIBS, we strongly believe that formal education must be complemented with exposure to and experience of, successful contemporary management practices to prepare change leaders of tomorrow. We call this ‘Aceperience’.

Inspiring the Future
International Exposure Programme: 11 – 19 August 2017

Aceperience of THE ALCHEMISTS – The MBA Cohort of Spring 2017

“The international exposure program, ‘Inspiring the future’, which took place in Singapore in mid-august 2017, was the perfect balance of learning as well as presenting our own ideas and opinions. There were interactive classroom sessions covering topics such as building blocks to success and internalizing on our strengths to capitalize in the corporate world. We were mentored into becoming self-reflective and making better career choices in the future. Moreover, we were allowed to explore two great multinational corporations, Google and Starbucks and were encouraged to internalize their organizational culture and present our reflections. Understanding business model while exploring one of the most exciting tourist spot of Singapore, Sentosa Island was also one of the interesting tasks in the workshop, which was an educational and exhilarating experience. Additionally, a business competition was arranged to judge our capabilities to create a similar business plan as Sentosa in Nepal. Overall, the workshop was knowledgeable and able to engage and exercise our minds into understanding various business environments, their culture and prepare us for our future endeavors.

It was also fresh opportunity to immerse into the vibrant culture of Singapore and socialize with our batch mates. We were all overwhelmed with the system, cleanliness and advancement of technology controlled by the country. It was an unforgettable adventure; exploring a new country with friends. Singapore has a wide line of cuisines, variety of world music, and a serene beach side. The country itself is an example of how a proper management of law and resources such as people, finance and time can flourish nothing into something so successful. We maneuvered our way into a systematic concrete jungle and fell in love with how the country seemed vibrant and active from dusk till dawn.”